Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tears of A Wife

I do not know .. hehehe ..suddenly my member have shared a note rather it best .. so I am pleased to share with my readers out of this piece .. A Wife Tears..

"If a wife wept before you,
it means she can not take any more.

If you hold her hand when she cried,
She will stay with you throughout your life ...

If you let her go,
She would not return to her past, forever!

A wife does not cry easily,
except in front of her love, she will be weak!
A wife does not cry easily,
only if she is love you so much.
She will reveal the sense of her EGOIS.

O husbands,
If a wife was crying because of you,
please hold her hands with full understanding.
Because she is the person who will stay with you throughout your life
 you're in trouble.

O husbands,
if a woman crying because of you,
please do not waste her tears ...
Perhaps, because of your decisions, you destroy her life.

When she cried in front of you, when she cried because of you ...
Look into her eyes away. Can you see and have a taste
like what she feel because of you?

What are so specials of this woman?
Behind her softness and kindness, she has a great strength ..
Every word she said was the TRUTH ...
Her smile give SPIRIT to people that she loved ...
Her hugs & kisses can provide warmth for her child ...

She will smiles when she see her friends laugh ..
She will feel sad and will cry when she see people that she loves in misery ...
She would smile behind her sadness ...
She was very happy to see the birth ...
She was sad to see the DEATH ..
Drops of her tears can bring peace.

But she is often overlooked by her husband because of a case.
That "her precious."

 The husband and the boys out there, think about and reflect each byte of words above because what was said on truly truth

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